- Jun 05 Sat 2010 23:59
- Jun 04 Fri 2010 15:00
職場銘 (仿作-陋室銘)
- May 31 Mon 2010 12:11
先聲明… 說的不是我,是小同學
車跟在她後面的小同學就很自然的往左靠了一點 (但還在外側車道)
- May 19 Wed 2010 16:49
SAP 學習筆記 (5)
今天介紹的是一些比較常用到的 T-Code
T-Code | Purpose |
MB03 | Display Material Document |
MB1A | Good Issue (發料) |
MB1B | Good Transfer (廠內調撥) |
MB1C | Good Receipt (廠內收料) |
MB51 | Material Document List |
MB5B | Stock on Posting Date |
MBST | Cancel Material Document |
ME01 | Create Source List |
ME03 | Display Source List |
ME11 | Create Info Record |
ME12 | Modify Info Record |
ME13 | Display Info Record |
ME15 | Delete Info Record |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
ME22N | Modify Purchase Order |
ME23N | Display Purchase Order |
ME31K | Create Contract (Limit Contract) |
ME31L | Create Scheduling Agreement |
ME32K | Modfiy Contract |
ME32L | Modify Scheduling Agreement |
ME33K | Display Contract |
ME33L | Display Scheduling Agreement |
ME38 | 修改交期 |
ME51 | Create Purchase Requisition |
ME52 | Modify Purchase Requisition |
ME53 | Display Purchase Requisition |
ME59 | PR→PO |
ME9F | Message Output (For Purchase Division) |
MEQ1 | Create Quota |
MEQ3 | Display Quota |
MIGO | Goods receipt Purchase Order |
MK01 | Create Vendor |
MM01 | Create Material Master Views |
MM02 | Modify |
MM03 | Display |
MMAM | Change Material Type (只能在新料號、沒有transcation、庫存時使用) |
MMBE | Stock Overview (看庫存的 report) |
MMF1 | Create Finished Material |
MMPV | Close Period for Material Master Records |
MMR1 | Create Raw Material |
MMRV | Allow Posting to Previous Period (Check開帳動作) |
SE01 | Transport Orgainizer (Extended View) |
SE03 | Transport Organizer Tools (change package/dev class etc..) |
SE09 | Release Req.No |
SE11 | ABAP Dictionary |
SE14 | Data Structure有變數,但是又要重新release時用 |
SE16 | Data Browser, view/add table data (看Table) |
SE18 | Business Add-ins (BADI's) : Definition transaction |
SE19 | Business Add-ins (BADI's) : Implementation Transaction |
SE24 | Class builder |
SE38 | Program Editor 撰寫程式 |
SE39 | Split screen editor |
SE41 | Menu Painter |
SE51 | Screen Painter |
SE61 | Document Maintenance |
SE71 | Form Painter (Layout) |
SE80 | Change Program Structure |
SE81 | Application Hierarchy (Leads to SE84 for desired area) |
SHDB | Batch input recorder (錄製BDC) |
SM12 | Lock entries |
SM13 | Update Requests |
SM21 | Online system log analysis |
SM30 | Maintain table views |
SM31 | Table maintenance |
SM35 | Batch input i.e. Recording |
SM36 | Create background job |
SM37 | Background job monitor, Select background jobs |
SM49 | External Commands |
SM50 | Process overview (within current server) |
SM51 | Server overview |
SM59 | Display and Maintain RFC destination |
SM64 | Display / Maintain Events |
SM66 | Process (session) overview across all servers |
SM69 | External commands (Maintain) |
SQ01 | Query from User Group / ISDFPS / OM: Initial Screen |
SQ02 | InfoSet: Initial Screen |
SQ03 | User Group (把剛Create Infoset指定到一個User Group裡) |
STMS | Transport Management System |
XK01 | Create Vendor |
XK02 | Modify Vendor |
XK03 | Display Vendor |
ZBW02A | Import Apply Sheet: Create per GR (開海報報單,產生報單號碼) |
ZBW07A | GR by IMPORT Record |
ZMM05 | IR Procedure: Create Mode |
ZMM06 | IR Procedure: Display / Change Mode |
ZMM07 | IR Procedure: Cancel Mode |
ZMM08 | IR Procedure: Confirm Mode |
ZMM09 | Print IR Sheet |
ZMM10 | IR Sheet Report |
ZMMA65 | GR by PO / UNBW / ASN |
ZMMA77 | VQA Material Header Maintenance (料頭) |
ZMMA78 | VQA Material Group Maintenance |
ZSTM | 在QAS上接收SE09 Release出來的Request Number |